How can RENOVATE work for Energy Service Companies?

Renovate presents a more holistic approach to energy management for an ESCO. When the window upgrade is included in the energy analysis it can have a positive effect other components of the ESCO package. Such as, HVAC requirements could be reduced due to the reduction in Solar Heat Gain during the warmer months and less heat loss during the colder months with Renovate installed.
Most energy retrofits are considered “simple” or “light” because they focus only on upgrading lighting equipment and adding new motors to the heating and cooling systems.
Unfortunately, this approach leaves bigger savings on the table. For example, updating windows can reduce heating and cooling loads to the point where big-dollar HVAC equipment can be reduced in size and cost, while greatly reducing runtimes and energy consumption.
A more holistic approach considers all major capital upgrades needed in a building over the several years to create higher efficiencies and other benefits. Upgrades can occur all at once or can be phased in over several years depending on your budgets or financing mechanisms. A holistic retrofit can meet all business-as-usual objectives in addition to many other benefits—many more than a simple energy retrofit.
The Renovate system presents a holistic approach to energy management for an energy service company (ESCO). When a window upgrade is included in an energy analysis, it can have a positive effect on other components of the ESCO package. For example, HVAC requirements can be reduced due to reductions in solar heat gain during the warmer months and less heat loss during the colder months after installing the Renovate system.