The RENOVATE System Testing Procedures

The Renovate system underwent extensive third-party testing to verify and validate our research and development process.
We developed protocols to test potential installations for every project, including structural analysis, and air and water testing of the existing window/curtain wall system, to ensure the building is suitable for the Renovate system.
Field Testing Prior to Installation
A structural review must be made by a licensed structural engineer prior to every RbB system installation in order to certify that the building is able to receive the additional weight that will be added. In general, the RbB system adds 5.5 lbs. per square foot of glass to the current glazing system.
- All potential projects must undergo an AAMA 501.2 test to analyze the current system.
- If a building does not pass the test, the building owner will be asked to address these issues before moving forward with the installation of the RbB system.
Field Quality Control
Every Renovate system is installed by a certified installer, who has completed a rigorous training program to assure the best possible installation
As an additional layer of quality control throughout the project, a representative from Renovate will make frequent visits to the project site to further insure that proper installation procedures are being adhered to.
Third Party Testing of the Renovate System
The Renovate by Berkowitz System was submitted for third-party testing prior to receiving both U.S. and Canadian patents. Testing covered thermal, accelerated weathering, and acoustical performance of the system.
In order to receive a patent, the Renovate system went through rigorous testing procedures at Architectural Testing Labs in York, Pa. This test was based on the ASTM 2188 protocol, which is a method for testing the performance of the sealing system of an insulating glass unit/system.
The test results speak for themselves: The system performs very well and actually gets better over time!
Testing Methodology – Accelerated Weathering Test
When the RbB system was submitted to testing according to the ASTM 2188 protocol, a larger than normal unit was supplied, which exposed approximately four times the normal seal circumference to test elements for three and a half months of accelerated weather conditions, equivalent to what the industry would consider 20+ years of field conditions.
During the ASTM 2188 test, the entire system was exposed to the elements: Not just the #1 surface (i.e. outside lite). In other words, the test simulated conditions that were much harsher than might be expected in virtually any field application. In addition, Architectural Testing Labs utilized eight ultraviolet lights for this test (typically, two are used).
Sound Transmission Tests
The RbB system also was tested for its effect on sound transmission. The STC rating for single-glazed, ¼-inch glass is 30. After installation of the RbB system, the rating increased to 37.
Insulating Value
Installation of the RbB System improves the thermal performance and U-value of windows dramatically. The U-value is the measure of the heat gain or loss through glass. A lower U-value indicates better insulating properties. Single-glazed clear glass has a U-value of 1.03. With the RbB system, U-value can improve to 0.14, an improvement of 86 percent!